Content to help you find your voice and reach your goals.
Pitching in the time of CORONA:
How to succeed on Zoom
The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the traditional ways in which businesses raise investment and acquire new clients. Although tech-savvy founders are likely to have adjusted quickly, online communication isn’t always easy. How can you make the most of this time?
EACC Presents:
What is the voice of leadership?
Recently I had the opportunity to be a part of a diverse panel of professionals to discuss The Unconscious Bias of Voice and Accent with the EACCNY. The topic was one that has interested me for quite a long time since I work with a global clientele. Is there an unconscious bias when it comes to accents and voice? This leads
to our next question, “is there a voice of leadership?”
International Startup Founders Speaking Globally
Public speaking is difficult for most of us. Take a moment and imagine delivering a presentation in a new language and a new culture.
Cultural Aspects of Working as a European in the United States
We are communicating globally more and more yet how often do we get in the mindset of our colleagues from abroad. Curiosity about cultures is key.